All posts by Holly Lange

About Holly Lange

I started Abundantly Clear in 2005, at a little desk under the stairs in a new Stapleton apartment. What began as a business to help clients with clutter, grew into a full-service home staging and decorating business. I have staged high-rise condos to mansions, new townhomes to 100 year old Victorians, and everything in-between. I've helped clients pick out counters, back-splashes, tile, carpet and paint colors. I've helped clients make quick changes like hanging art, and I've helped them start from scratch. I've organized something as simple as a mud room and cleared out as much as 12 years' worth of accumulated items. If it's a project inside your home, I can help!

Intimidated By Accessories?

 Accessories transform a nicely decorated room into a perfect, finished space.  But many homeowners have a hard time choosing the right ones.  Consequently, rooms are often left unfinished.

 Now, with this simple checklist, this can be a thing of the past:

When you see an accessory that you are considering for your room, make sure it meets these guidelines: 

  • Does it have the right mood?  In order for an accessory to “work” in a room, it needs to be in harmony with the mood of the space.  That means that it evokes the same feelings.  Is your room romantic?  Sleek?  Cozy?  Make sure the accessory feels that way, too.  However, accessories that change a room’s mood can work as well if done correctly.  For example, a modern space feels warmer with rustic or hand-made accessories like woven bowls or rough textiles.  Rooms with a lot of patterns in the fabrics can benefit from areas of “rest” with monochromatic or streamlined accessories.


  • Is it going to make the room too “theme-y”?   In general, it’s best to avoid a room that looks like it came out of the Madonna Inn (Google that if you aren’t familiar it).  A touch of whimsy or a conversation piece here and there is great, but a “jungle room” may start to feel a little old after a few months.  A bowl of beach glass on the table with sea shell throw pillows can look great, but add in anchor-design curtains, a fishing net, and a light-house sculpture and the room starts to feel like a seafood restaurant from the 70’s.  A room should have a consistent feel, but a little restraint goes a long way.


  • Is it the right scale?  If you are looking for a piece to display on a large, high shelf, don’t choose something that is too small.  It will just feel lost and incomplete.  And a very large item will look out of place in a room of small, delicate pieces.  Make sure that the accessory you choose harmonizes with the scale of the other items and furniture around it.


  • Is the color right?  Does the color (or colors) of the accessory work in your room?  Of course, it doesn’t have to match exactly, but make sure it blends nicely.  NOTE: Another option is to choose an accessory with a color that stands out.  This can make a dramatic statement.  Make sure, however, that this “drama” fits the mood of your room! It can also help the design of the room if this “pop” of color happens in three places throughout the room – for a triangulation of color.


  • Do you love it?  This may seem obvious, but many homeowners get caught up in making sure that all of their decorating “works” and forget to make sure that they really love everything that is going in their home.  Even if the accessory fits all the other criteria, if you don’t love it, don’t buy it.

And remember, less is more.  Like when accessorizing an outfit, sometimes the best thing you can do is take one item away to help the remaining ones look even better.  That way, you can…

Live Abundantly Clear!

– Holly (always happy to help you accessorize, or edit) Lange –  (303) 322-5327

I’m Stuck in a Window Well and I Can’t Get Out!

The other day I was sitting on my back porch reading a book about the Law of Attraction.  I’ve read books about this concept before, but I often like to remind myself of the simple concept that we have more control over our lives than we might think.  That’s not to say it is our goal in life to control everything, but that success or failure is often a product of our outlook and attitudes, and being open to a solution.  Often we are so fixated on the problem, solutions don’t even enter our heads. 

 While I was reading, I was marveling at the beauty of my little back yard, and the sounds of birds, the breeze, and the cars and dogs in the distance.  I love the sounds of waves, and sometimes miss living near the ocean, but I realized that the sounds I heard were very much like the ocean.  They had a rhythm to them, and they were breathing in and out.  It was a lovely realization.  But then I began to notice a few robins that kept calling to each other – and it stood out against the other sounds.  I saw an adult robin, and then a young robin fly to the top of our fence.  His wings were small and he seemed unsure about this new flying thing his mom was clearly anxious for him to try.  Then I heard some fluttering coming from other spot.  It sounded like a bird that was stuck somewhere, struggling.  I looked around and realized it was coming from our neighbor’s window well.  This was about 6 feet deep, with a metal grate on top.  I walked over and saw another young bird sitting down there, unable to get out, and looking up with his little beak open.   He must have fallen in, but couldn’t fly well enough to get out.  Luckily, the grate wasn’t locked, so I was able to lift it up and put it aside.  Meanwhile, the mother bird was keeping a close eye on the situation and was calling to the baby bird.  After I moved away, the little bird flew up and out of the window well and wound up near a tree a few yards away.  I put the grate back on and went back to my reading.

Baby Bird stuck in a window well.
Baby bird stuck in the window well.

 About fifteen minutes later, however, I heard the familiar cry of the baby bird.  It was higher pitched than his mother’s, so I was beginning to recognize it.  It seemed like the mother and her chicks had left, but this little bird hadn’t followed.  I peered through the fence and could see the baby bird hopping towards the same window well.  Of course, not being able to speak bird I couldn’t warn him to stay away from it, and sure enough, he hopped onto the grate and then fell through it.  Poor silly bird.  I walked around and took the grate off again, but without Momma around to coax him out, I think he didn’t know what to do.  After about five minutes or so I had to intervene.  I put on my gardening gloves and climbed down the little ladder.  After a few attempts at gently picking up the very scared bird, I finally was able to lift him up back onto safer ground.  I also tried to shoo him away from that pesky grate.  He still wasn’t flying, but at least he had a chance at survival, now.  I know he may not make it, but I did the best I could and now it’s up to him.

Baby bird safe - for now.
Baby bird safe, for now.

So, of course, events like this often inspire me to think of them as a metaphor for life.  Sure, why not? 

How often have we felt like we were stuck in a big window well?  How often are we tired, scared, and just want our Mommies?  I believe that whenever there is a problem, the solution is waiting for us.  The window well grate is lifted up for us but we don’t see it, or we are too scared to try and escape.  Sometimes, we are even lucky enough to have someone lift us up and save us (even when we make the same mistake twice!)  But in the end, we are ultimately on our own.  Our adventure is ours alone, and only we can decide how it’s going to go.  It may be a little scary, but if we are brave and accept help when it is given, we might do okay.

And in my life, I am so grateful to have taken some time, listened, and been allowed to have this little experience to share with you.

As always – be well, and live abundantly clear,


Getting Organized – NOT as Seen on TV

A few years ago, the show “Clean Sweep” gave everyone the idea that in about a day or so, their home could be gorgeous and organized.  Now, the show “Hoarders” is doing the same thing.  The fact that the clutter epidemic is getting more attention is positive.  However, if you need to get organized, the important thing to remember is this: your home did not get this way overnight, so making a lasting and positive change will take time.

Since this principle applies to so many things in our lives, why do so many of us still think that the magic bullet still exists?  Saving money for a comfortable retirement takes time, losing weight and keeping it off takes time, learning a new skill takes time.  If you decide to call an organizer to help, or if you tackle the problem on your own, just remember to schedule enough time, stick with it, and maintain consistency until you are finished.  I compare this process to getting in shape.  You can’t become a long-distance runner overnight – it’s just not possible.  I started running last summer and it was not fun.  I walked most of the time, and ran as long as I could stand it.  Then each time out I ran a little more until I could run 4 miles without too much trouble.  It probably took about 6 months from couch to 4 miles.  It takes time.

If you do hire an organizer, be clear with him/her about your expectations.  Do you want your whole house organized in four hours?  This is not a reasonable expectation, even with a large crew.  It physically takes time to sort and purge items, but it takes even more time to decide what these items mean to you and how and where you want to use them in your home.  The fact is, as the client, you are responsible for making decisions about your priorities – what items fit your ideal vision for your space, and what ones do not.  I can bring a crew in and clear out your home – but what will you learn?  How will that help you to maintain an organized home in the future?  An organizer is there to coach you and ask questions, and help you see your life and your things in a new way – so they no longer own you.  But it takes time.

The TV shows don’t show you how many people worked on the home, and they don’t really show how long it takes.  Mission Organization often makes it seem like projects are completed in a day or two, yet knowing organizers who have worked on these shows, I can tell you it takes about a week – for one room.  Help is out there, but starting this with unrealistic expectations only sets you up for disappointment and frustration.  Do your research, read some books on organizing, talk to people who have hired organizers before (organizers will be happy to give you names of clients).  Decide in advance if you can do this on your own, or if the help is worth the expense.  An organizer’s value comes from teaching you new skills and helping you stay on track.  These skills come from training and years of experience, so the cost reflects much more than how much he or she can physically move around in a session.  Paying for this service is not for everyone, but many people find it very helpful for years after the initial work.  With that said, if you know what to do and just haven’t done it – then schedule the time and get going!   If it’s worth doing – it’s worth scheduling – but give it time.

Helping Family Get Organized

Since I’m about 2000 miles away from most of my family, it seems the best way for me to keep in touch is to read Facebook, or their blogs.  My little sister, Robin, has a blog –  I just read it today and I was surprised to learn it was about getting organized.  Hey, isn’t that my gig?

It seems she’s going through a tough transition, but one thing helping her out is a big project to keep her occupied.  I’m a fan of that trick.  When I’m stressed, I like to cook, sew, or organize something.  Sure, our house is and should be (given what I do for a living) pretty organized on a regular basis.  But hey, I’m human, and there’s still a basement, and the “utility drawer” (I refuse to have a junk drawer), that can get a little full with the “deal-with-it-later” stuff.   Robin’s project is a little bigger than a junk drawer, however.

I was surprised to find that she has decided to take on my parents’ home, a house stuffed with 40 years of items, not just from raising five kids, but from two businesses (one of which was physically moved from a 500 sq. foot office into the former library of the home).  Given that my father was born during the Great Depression, and can pretty much find a use for anything, you can imagine the daunting task before my little sister.

Why am I not there helping?  Well, geography plays a big role, but I think it’s bigger than that.  I joke with clients that I help them (as in, other people’s parents) because my parents won’t let me.  It may have to do with the fact that I haven’t lived there in about 20 years.  I’m sure there are a few items of mine buried in the attic, but overall, I’m physically detached from the house, and the stuff.  Robin has been away for a few years, but has pretty much always left her room “as-is”.  She’s deeply entrenched.  For her, it’s not “their” clutter, but “our” clutter.  If you ever decide to help your family with their clutter, and you haven’t lived there in a while, be warned – they may not take kindly to this idea.  You still expect your childhood home to look the same, but when you return to find it very different than you remember, it can throw you.  This different perspective can seem hurtful to the people who live in and love this home.   You are wearing nostalgia glasses, and not seeing things clearly.  In that way, you are an outsider.  But even outside help would be more welcomed  – because it is completely neutral.  This is the irony of the situation.

While my father was ill a few years ago, I tried to keep myself busy by cleaning out the expired food and science experiments in my parents’ fridge.   My father was in the hospital, and my sisters and I had just returned from seeing him.  We were just sitting around, not knowing what to do.  So, we started pulling things out of the fridge that had dates starting with a “19..”, giggling, and shoving jars under each other’s noses, saying “smell this! – no, you smell it!”  and for a while we could forget about what may or may not be happening a few miles away in that cold hospital room.   I remember that time fondly – a time when we were all in the same boat, without the distraction of kids, jobs, spouses, etc.  We were just there for each other – and we found a project to do together.

Years later, my father doing better, my parents still have not forgiven me for the things we threw away.  So, now, when I go home… I touch nothing.

One thing I noted in Robin’s blog: she wrote about her own struggles to part with books that represent a recent failing to her.  This is something that many people deal with.  There are things we keep because they are from our past, and things for our future plans.  If the bulk of our possessions are in the past or future category, and very few are for the present time, this must be addressed.  Many of us are very hard on ourselves.   If we had a bad relationship with our mother, we keep things of hers after she’s gone, even if they have terrible memories associated with them.  These things haunt us in a very real way.  Perhaps we are punishing ourselves.  Perhaps in some way we feel that if we accept this burden, we have atoned for our sins.  I think this is a mindset from which we all need to free ourselves.

Keep the good things, the things that make you smile, the things you need and use now.  Keep a small percentage of things for the future and good memories from the past, and ditch the rest.  There is no need to torture yourself – the world gives you enough to deal with.  You deserve good things, a good life, and a harmonious home that makes you feel safe.

Even though Robin is uniquely qualified to handle this challenge, she’s hitting a roadblock – trying to figure out what to do with all that stuff.  This is hard for anyone, but especially in this case, considering all the unique items in the house.  My advice is: hire some local help.  As I mentioned before, outside help can really do the trick because they have the skills, but are detached from the stuff.   Also, I am a big fan of just picking up the phone and calling someone who might have the information I need.  When you open yourself up to just a little bit of help, it’s like a huge amount of energy flows your way and pretty soon you have a whole network of people, eager to join you.  When you try to go it alone, pretty soon you could feel isolated and defeated, and it’s likely you’ll give up.

I did a quick search of the organizers in my parents’ area:

Organizers can consult and help refer clients to the resources they need – like resale shops that specialize in vintage clothing, office supply stores that could use old office equipment, or at the very least, the proper recycling centers and junk hauling companies (like 1-800-got-junk) – I personally like the guys at “College Hunks Hauling Junk”, but they aren’t in New England, yet.   I think it’s always worth a call – since anyone in that kind of business worth their salt will give you some leads on where to go – without charge.

I hope my little sister succeeds in her project, and for her and all the sisters and brothers out there, trying to help their parents get organized – remember: help is out there!

Working on it!

As the summer wanes, houses sell and staging items come back.  Kids return to school and moms start thinking about all of the “stuff” in the house.  So, I’ve been working on a lot of organizing projects, including one in my own home – thanks to all of the staging accessories coming back into my house! Some of the recent projects outside of my home include: a garage packed with various tools and automotive supplies (an impressive assortment) – and the best part is – they had chickens and ducks and goats – oh my!  They stayed in their respective areas – but I had fun paying them a visit after we were finished!   I also recently helped an art teacher organize her classroom just before school started.  My sister is an art teacher (and my mom was too), so it was a lot of fun working in such a familiar territory.  Other projects included working with a mom to organize and store baby clothes for when the next baby arrives, and setting up a closet for her new au pair. 

Some staging projects have been mixed in there, as well – but mainly a lot of items are returning… So, how does an organizer organize her own storage space?  Well, it’s pretty much there, but with some spill-over.  I’ll be clearing out anything that doesn’t currently have a home and adding a new shelf unit (the plastic ones from the hardware store are cheap and easy to assemble).  Then, I’ll do a once over to make sure everything that does have a home is in a good spot – and re-arrange as needed.  I’ll also pull out items that haven’t been used in a while and put them into the “donate” box.  The shelf should help get the extra items off the floor, and that will pretty much be it.  However, given that I’ll be organizing other people’s homes for the next few days, I may do this next week.   Yes, professional organizers are capable of a little procrastination, too!

Live abundantly clear!

Holly – (303) 322-5327

What’s New?

Well, summer is almost over and pretty soon the pace of life will start picking up again.  For a business owner, summer is a great time to reflect on what is working in the business, and what’s not.  It’s also a good time to think of new ways to help your clients and spread the news about said services.

I work with many Realtors who are looking for ways to thank their buyers with closing gifts.  Sometimes it will be a basket of goodies or useful tools that come in handy when you are moving in.  Years ago, when we moved into our new home, we received a big bucket filled with a hammer, paper towels, a screwdriver, a tape measure, towels, and masking tape, among other items, and I must say that most of those items are still in use to this day.  However, for the buyer who has everything, sometimes the best gift isn’t an item, but an experience. 

A gourmet meal prepared in your home, a massage or time with a personal trainer are some nice ideas – but how about a professional organizer helping you get your kitchen items put away the first day you move in?  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Imagine waking up on the very first morning in your new home, and you walk down to the kitchen and the coffee maker is plugged in and the coffee and all the accessories you need are within arm’s reach.  Sure, you may be standing in your neat and organized kitchen with your cup of coffee, surveying the rest of your home that looks like “box village”, but at least you have one neat little oasis.  And, you can make breakfast.

Depending on the size of the kitchen, it can take about four hours to set-up.  This is a great gift to provide to clients, or you can offer two hours and the client can decide if they’d like more help.  The nice part about giving an gift certificate like this is how ours are different – but I don’t want to give away all the secrets.  Give us a call and we can discuss!

Holly @ Abundantly Clear – (303) 322-5327

P.S. – A note about comments… I review comments about once a month or more to see if they are appropriate to post.  No comments will be allowed that include advertisements, inappropriate language, or that appear to be spam.  If your comment does not appear to be a legitimate comment – and that is subject to my judgement and interpretation (such as it is), I will still read it, but it will not be posted.   Them’s the rules…

Present Projects

Yesterday, my husband and I both had a day off, at the same time – a very rare occurrence.  It was a hot, muggy afternoon, with dark clouds threatening rain.  So, we decided to check the TiVo to see what it had recorded.  We decided to watch Kung Fu Panda.  High-brow it is not, and yet… there was a wise Turtle who said a wise thing:

“The past is history.  The future is a mystery.  Right now is a gift – that’s why it’s called the present.”

This is not a new quote, a new concept, or even a new movie, but I liked getting the reminder.  How often are we so consumed with the future and the past, that we forget to enjoy or even notice the present?  I love working with clients, helping them stage their homes or get their spaces organized and functioning well – because I am completely present with them, in that moment.  I don’t think about the last appointment, or the next appointment, I just think about that item, or that picture, or lamp, and the best place where it should “live”.   It may sound odd, but when I’m finished, I feel refreshed.  Even if it’s a long day, and I’m physically worn out, my mind is awake.  It’s why I love what I do. 

Any project, whether large or small, has the power to engage us and connect us the the present moment.  Years ago, before TV or I-Phones, people would unwind by playing a card game, chatting with friends, or even doing chores together.  In fact, I doubt the need to “unwind” was even considered very often.  You just did what you needed to do, and you found the joy in it, in that moment.  If you find that TV, Facebook, or your Blackberry are at best post-poning your anxiety, and at worst adding to it, why not turn them off for a while?  Is life so awful that we need constant distractions from it?  If so, why aren’t we looking at the reason?

I find it funny that computers and Blackberrys are something we are “on”… like a drug.  True, the very fact that I’m writing this blog is ironic, or just plain hypocritical, but when I’m “off” the computer, I’m off.  Without these electronic leashes, I find I can enjoy everything from grocery shopping to cleaning out the garage.  A project, any project, can allow you to remember how lucky you are to have a brain and a body that works.  In the next few days, try doing a little project with the phone or Blackberry out of reach, and see how (after you get over the anxiety of being “disconnected”) it can calm your mind.

Low Cost Solutions for Selling Your Home

The days of big staging budgets are over, at least for now.  These days, few people are selling their homes because of dreams of fantastic profits and moving onto greener pastures.  Now, if you are selling, it’s probably because you are relocating, looking to downsize and reduce expenses, a death, a divorce, or other less than cheerful reasons.  If none of these are your reasons, then you may just be thinking you’ll dip your toe in the water to see what happens.  Very few of these scenarios would make you think that staging is a luxury you can afford.  Wrong.

Staging is not a luxury.   Staging an occupied home, when you are selling while you are living in the home, is an absolute necessity.  Plus, many stagers can accomplish a great deal for around $200 or less.  Staging is just as vital, to help your home sell quickly, as a pre-inspection, appraisal, or photos.  All of these services work together to create a well-presented, well-priced home that will draw more buyers to your house, make them stay longer, and help them easily take mental ownership (the first step towards making an offer).

A professional stager is much more than a decorator.  She is not there to “fluff”.  A stager can devise clever and low- or no- cost solutions to common issues that could be problematic to a buyer.  For example, I recently staged a home in Littleton occupied by a single man.  The home was a great family home, but the extra bedrooms were set up as offices or guest rooms.  One room, a lavender room with one wall of Tinkerbell wallpaper, was just used for storage.  The owner was sure that I was going to ask him to paint and remove the wallpaper, which can be a time consuming and potentially expensive project.  Instead, I saw this as an opportunity.   I suggested bringing in a bed (this one happens to be inflatable, on a metal stand – but there are other ways to accomplish this), and accessories that would help the room feel young, yet still sophisticated enough to appeal to an older child, or a couple without children.Bedroom Staging

So, for the cost of some rentals (this plus other items in the home worked out to be about $85 per month), and a little staging time, many problems were solved with one simple, low cost solution.  The feedback has been great, and the little kids love this room.

A few more notes about how staging can help:

 – Staging is tax deductible to the realtor (as a business expense) or to the seller as a selling expense.

– An un-staged home often sits on the market longer, costing you more in mortgage expenses.

– As a realtor, offering staging as part of your service will help you get the listing over a realtor who does not.

– One way to help a seller pay for staging services is to offer to reimburse them for the staging once the home sells.

– The forward momentum started by staging an occupied home will help the seller mentally “detach” from the home, so they remain motivated to sell, and won’t give up too soon.

Staging remains a fairly new concept, especially for those who have not sold a home recently.  Don’t let the novelty of it negate its positive and proven results.  Good photos, a fair price for the neighborhood, good condition, and careful staging still make a big difference.   Don’t leave money on the table.  Give us a call and find out how we can help you make the value of your home “abundantly clear”.

Holly Lange

Abundantly Clear – 303.322.5327

When Bad Gadgets Happen to Good People

I’m a fan of technology, but from an organizing perspective, I think the gadgets are starting to get a little out of hand.  The promise these items hold when we see them in the store or on a commercial is immense.  Any possible stress or struggle in your life can be solved because: “there’s an app. for that!”  Really?  Wow, sign me up.  What they don’t tell you is the amount of money you’ll be spending on this gadget, and all of the gadget’s little friends you have to buy separately before it looks like the one in the TV ad.  They also don’t tell you how much time you’ll need to spend figuring out how all of these things work, figuring out how to re-train your mind away from your old system to this new one.   No, they don’t tell you that.

And yet, we continue to buy them.  The latest and greatest.  The new and improved.  The thing you’ve been waiting your whole life for.  Enough, Madison Avenue, enough!  Every week I see houses filled with this stuff, unused or barely used.  These devices are supposed to make our lives more efficient, less stressful, and give us free time.  Instead, what I see are clients who are confused, over-worked, tired, and burned-out – with the extra clutter of gadgets, chargers, boxes, wires, syncing docks, etc., etc….

That said, I actually own one of those “smart” phone devices.  I like it, but it isn’t my entire life.  I still take lots of notes – on paper!  I like that it is essentially no different from the one I had 7 years ago.  It’s just smaller and lighter.  Bravo to the company who helped me maintain a system that is easy to work with for all of these years.  I pray that they will continue to make it.  I know I’m probably kidding myself.

I started thinking about this because of a client who has a “fancy phone” (no need to advertise) for a few months now and has just discovered how to turn the ringer on and off.  Some people might snicker at this, but I believe this is a fundamental and systemic problem with planned obsolescence, and if you own a phone or a computer more than a year old you might as well have stone tablets and an abacus.   Typewriters were just fine for people for about a hundred years.  Sure, they got better, but they were still essentially the same.  How can we keep up with technology that changes so dramatically every few months?  I’m all for learning new things, but some of us were not cut out to be IT specialists and we should stop pretending that we were.

So, my answer is – resist the urge!  Resist the urge, which is coming from an external force of advertisers with years of training in manipulation, to own the latest computer, the latest kitchen gadget, the latest phone that does more than any phone should, the latest gaming system, and the latest music system.  If you have a record player – good for you!  Use it, enjoy it.  Take pleasure in the process of putting a record on a turn-table and gently placing the needle down and waiting to hear it “catch”.  (And, here’s another thought – the reason we don’t play records is because it’s too hard to multi-task when you have to pick a needle up at the end of the record.  So why do we always have to multi-task?  Can’t we just do one thing at a time anymore??)  Enjoy doing things “by hand” once in a while.  Don’t let the anyone tell you there’s something wrong with you if you write to-do’s on a note pad.  Remember, your life can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be.  Outside forces only have as much power as we give to them.  Stop clutter at the source, and don’t buy something to replace an item that still works well.  Choose tools that work for you, and ignore the rest – they’ll be obsolete next month, anyway.

Live abundantly clear,


Paint Colors and other Scary Tales

It was a dark and stormy night.  Edith was looking through paint color swatches to decide what color to paint her dining room.   The phone rings.  The man on the line says, “Don’t pick that color, it’ll feel like a cave in there!”  Then Edith realized: the call was coming from inside the house!!!  Shriek!

Okay, maybe it’s not that bad, but selecting paint colors can be a scary prospect for most people.  The most common side effect of this fear is a house with no color, or too much of the same color, or a “jewel-box” effect – where one room is painted at a time without regard to the overall flow of the house.  Or, you may have one room painted an intense color, which you now hate, but you’re too scared to change it or to paint any other rooms.  You don’t need to live this way – there is help out there!   Actually, there is help right here.

Perhaps you’ve decided “builder’s beige” is your style after all, or perhaps you are experiencing perfection paralysis.  You don’t want to make a mistake and end up with a migraine every time you step into that space.  So, what do you do?  You can call me!

Okay, how does this work?  To start, I’m a big fan of Benjamin Moore colors.  Most of them work very well with each other, and they have a livable palette suitable for any age or style of home.  I will come to your home armed with my satchel of paint samples.  We start with the fan-deck, and narrow down a few favorites (I like to start with an overall color for hallways and such, and a trim color, if needed).   Then I pull out the 3″x5″ samples of the colors we liked so we can tape them up and take a good look.  It’s amazing how often the first color we pick is the winner.  We’ll put up 5 more samples and realize that first one was the best!  Then after about 2 to 4 hours (depending on how many rooms we are working with), we have a final palette for the house.  I trim off a quarter of each paint sample for you to keep, label the backs, and write down the numbers on a 3-part form so I’ll have a copy, and presto! – you now have your house colors all settled!   I can even order larger samples and have them mailed to your home if you want a little more time to “live” with them and make sure they are right at all times of the day.

Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that.  We’ll look at your floors, counters, cabinets, furniture colors, the light in the home, etc.   We’ll focus on how the colors work together and flow throughout the house.  We’ll talk about color theory and how colors will compliment or contrast with each other.  The main thing I will do for you is make sure these colors suit you, your style and your home.  There are colors I like better than others, but my goal is to always guide you toward your ideal colors, in a way that will be stylish and tasteful.  Put your fears to rest and give me a call!  And remember: it’s only paint!

Live well & live in color,


Abundantly Clear – 303.322.5327